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Shih Tzu dog: characteristics, precautions and more


The literal meaning of Shih Tzu is lion or little lion. It is a toy breed, so they are loved for their fun-loving personality. The lively pups are exceptional family dogs, however, their owners should socialize them with people. Regular grooming should be done to maintain their long coat. Shih Tzu makes a great addition to any family. Many people choose them as pets for their lively and loving behavior as well as their small size. They are very tolerant and trustful and they are good at making friends. They are active and lively and because of their nature, they are very popular among the people.

Shih tzu puppy

Picture Credit: Istockphoto



  1. The average height of a Shih Tzu puppy is around 20 – 28 cm.
  2. The moderate weight of this dog is around 4-7.2 kg.
  3. The bite force of this breed is around 100 psi.
  4. Your pet should eat food containing animal protein and fruits.
  5. The Shih Tzu dog belongs to the Toy Breed group.
  6. They come in mostly two-coat colors, like black and white.
  7. These dogs’ temperaments may be described as loving, lively, and talkative.
  8. Specifically, training of these puppies is done through positive reinforcement and giving them treats.
  9. This dog has an average life span of 10-16 years.

shih tzu puppy

Picture Credit: Istockphoto



The Shih Tzu’s coat needs extraordinary maintenance, they need regular brushing and a trip to the groomer every 4 to 6 weeks for a haircut. Some Shih Tzu’s can be dependent on their owner and easily develop separation nervousness, they may need extra training to become familiar with being left alone.


How to care for this breed:

Shih Tzu is very easy to keep and can become obese if given an unhealthy diet. They do not need or want a mile walk every day, but they do enjoy walks and should be kept fit. It needs routine doctor’s checkups. keep a record of their vaccinations.


FAQs about Shih Tzu:

Is Shih Tzu a good house dog?

They are normally good domestic dogs. They are kind and joyful and they adore spending time with their people. However, it’s essential to hang out with your Shih Tzu from an early age to help control apprehensive behaviors such as unnecessary barking. Shi Tzu also needs consistent exercise and routine grooming.

What is the price range of a Shih Tzu puppy?

The value of this breed will be subject to some aspects like its age, breeder’s reputation, color, and bloodline. A Shih Tzu dog’s price can range from around $500-$1800 if you buy one from a breeder. Some pure, show-quality Shih Tzus bought from trustworthy breeders can charge around $5000.

Does Shih Tzu bark a lot?

Yes, they bark a lot, especially at outsiders. Whether it’s a noise outdoors, somebody walking by the house, or even a different dog in the locality, probabilities are your Shih Tzu will bark at it.

How to know if it is pure breed?

Purebred Shih Tzus have precise physical features, including a unique double coat, a pushed-in face with a small nose, long ears that hang down, and a frizzy tail. Compare your dog’s look to the breed criteria to see if they match.



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As a cherished voice on BlogPawz, Asif shares invaluable insights, tips, and tales, weaving together a community united by their love for our four-legged companions. Join Asif in celebrating the bond between humans and pets, one story at a time.

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